Message for Season Ticket Holders

While the 2019/20 Scottish Premiership season has been brought to a close, one remaining issue for the club is how to address season ticket holders who were unable to watch the full allocation of matches due to the Coronavirus shutdown.

We’ve looked at a range of options but the simplest solution is to offer the option of a refund to our 2019/20 season ticket holders for the value of the matches missed. Should every season ticket holder take up this option then we calculate the financial cost to the club will total £142,000.

We want to make this clear – there will be no judgement or condemnation of any supporter who wishes to take up this option.

Some supporters have already indicated to us that they don’t wish any money back and we thank them wholeheartedly for this kind gesture.

Anyone wishing to request a refund, which must be done by Monday, June 22, can contact and please include your name and season ticket reference number.

We also welcome news of a deal brokered between the Scottish Professional Football League (SPFL) and Sky Sports, allowing fans inside the UK and Ireland live virtual access to watch 2020/21 home matches played behind closed doors.

This would be achieved through our own club platform and we remain in discussions with our technical suppliers and our fellow Premiership clubs on the full details of these arrangements.

While we finalise everything, we hope to be able to inform supporters of our full offering for season 2020/21 and the ways you can back the club in the near future.

We thank you all for your continued patience and support.