Killie & BBC Children In Need

Captain Conker teamed up with his friend Pudsey to surprise over 120 primary 1 & 2 pupils.

We teamed up with BBC’s Children in Need to surprise over 120 young pupils from Heathfield Primary School.

Children In Need – or Pudsey Day – took place over the weekend of Friday 18th November. BBC Children in Need exists to change the lives of disadvantaged children and young people across the UK. Their vision is that every child in the UK has a safe, happy and secure childhood and the chance to reach their potential.

Providing every young person with the best and fairest opportunities in life is so important to us at Kilmarnock Community Sports Trust (KCST).Captain Conker, and his friend Pudsey were on hand to celebrate the children’s amazing fundraising efforts and ensure it was a day they wouldn’t forget.

“The children LOVED it!! Memories to last a lifetime and lots of new Killie fans for sure!” – Claire, P2 teacher.



Captain Conker’s Challenge