Funeral arrangements for David Sneddon MBE

The funeral of David Sneddon MBE will be held this Friday (January 8, 2021) at 2.30 pm, Holmsford Bridge Crematorium, Dreghorn.

The Cortege will leave the family home at 1.45pm and travel via St Marnock’s Street, Portland Road, South Hamilton Street, Rugby Road into Rugby Park at 2pm and exiting onto Dundonald Road before heading to Holmsford Bridge Crematorium.

We understand that many fans will wish to pay their respects to a true Killie legend but we must urge supporters not to gather at the stadium due to the current lockdown rules and procedures.

For those who wish to follow the service, you can do so on the following using your Tablet, iPad, Laptop or phone.

Username Toqu9644
Password 251029