Findlay: ‘It feels like I’ve never been away’

Stuart Findlay admits that he knew his career path would eventually lead him back through the Rugby Road gates, after sticking to his promise of returning to the club.

Speaking to media on his first day back, Stuart said: “It feels like I’ve never been away, in a sense. I had the chat with Oxford at the end of the season and I knew it was maybe going to be a case of going somewhere for a year. As soon as I got contact from the manager, it was a very easy decision for me to come back up the road.

“I said on social media when I left that I would come back one day. I didn’t know if it would be 10 years, or the 3/4 that it has been, but coming back was always something I wanted to do. It’s a club that I’ve spent most of my senior career with, and it’s a club I hold very dearly. It was a no-brainer to come back, especially when I got a phonecall from the manager.

“The last year at Oxford didn’t go the way that I wanted it to; I’d be the first to admit that. If there was a club to get me back to where I know I can be, it was only ever going to be this place.”

You can listen to the full press conference – HERE.