Meet the young people who have transformed their futures

A partnership between The Killie Community, The SPFL Trust and Cashback For Communities has made a significant impact in empowering local young people and helping secure them employment.

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Based at The Killie Community Hub at Rugby Park, the 8-week initiative, ‘Off The Bench‘ has provided a unique environment to develop young people’s skills, confidence, and to break free from the limitations of their circumstances.

The programme kicked off with gradual interest, as just six young people attended the opening day. Following this initial turnout, Community Support Officer, Grant Wallace, linked in several local partners including Street League and SL33, and word quickly spread, with a total of eleven participants officially beginning their employability journey with The Killie Community.

The first day was designed to break the ice and build camaraderie among the participants. Activities included pair-based icebreakers where participants learned each other’s names, ages, hobbies and interests, followed by team-building games, both football and non-football themed, including constructing the tallest paper tower.

Overcoming Barriers

Many of the young people involved experience significant challenges. Most Killie Community programmes target participation and inclusion from the most deprived areas in Ayrshire, where poverty, social stigma and barriers to positive destinations are all too common. For our Off The Bench young people, simply attending the programme is a courageous step toward overcoming the limitations imposed on them by their environment and circumstances.

Grant Wallace adds, “Initially, many of the participants struggled with confidence, being reluctant to share their experiences and aspirations. However, as the weeks progressed, a noticeable transformation took place with the participants beginning to open up, and actively engaging in the programme and taking significant steps to improve themselves.”

One of the key elements of the programme’s success was the holistic support provided to the participants. Each young person received one-on-one support, including from an external partner, ensuring that their individual needs were met. In addition to this, the programme coordinators, Grant and Erin, were always available to assist with coursework and to offer help with any problems the participants faced outside of the programme.

This comprehensive support system played a crucial role in helping the young people overcome the challenges they faced, both within and beyond the programme.

A Unique Setting for Growth

Being based at Rugby Park stadium rather than a job centre proved to be a pivotal factor in the programme’s success. The stadium and new Community Hub provided an exciting environment that many of the participants had never experienced the before. For some, the opportunity to be in and around a place they admired three days a week was a dream come true.

As the programme progressed, the participants’ confidence grew significantly. By the final weeks, those who had initially been too shy to speak were actively participating in mock interviews and confidently approaching employers in local shops. This newfound confidence was bolstered by the qualifications they earned, which included the SQA Employability Award, their UEFA 1.1 Coaching Badge, and an Emergency First Aid at Work certification. These qualifications not only enhance their employability but also instilled a sense of achievement and self-worth.

The programme concluded with ten participants successfully completing the course. One participant remarked that this was the most support they had ever received, a powerful testament to the programme’s impact.

“On the last day we took everyone to the Garage Leisure Centre for bowling and a meal. One participant, who had previously struggled with eating, was able to enjoy their meal with the group highlighting the personal growth they’d gone through from a mental health perspective.”

Positive Destinations

The success of the programme is most clearly reflected in the positive destinations the participants have moved on to. Several have secured college places, others have found full-time and part-time employment, and some have even taken up voluntary work.

These achievements demonstrate that the programme has not only equipped these young people with the skills and qualifications they need, but has also instilled in them the confidence and ambition to pursue their goals. By overcoming their challenges and seizing the opportunities presented to them, these young people have proven that with the right support, they can achieve great things.